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Dandelions...Those nearly impossible to rid your yard of "weeds" that seem to multiply overnight! Who would have thought they make an Oh So Sweet Jelly?!
In fact, Dandelions are not really a weed at all...they're more of an herb. You can use them in salads, soups, wine, teas, to infuse oils, to make tonics, and many other ways. Including the delicious jelly recipe I will be sharing with you!
Dandelion Jelly has become a fast favorite in our household, as well as amongst pretty well anyone I've shared some with. It has a very similar taste to honey and goes fabulously on a biscuits and toast. You can even use it on some waffles or in your tea, instead of honey. Another bonus is that it is incredibly easy to make and can be something the whole family joins in on!
Supplies and Ingredients:
- Dandelion Flowers
- Sugar (I recommend Organic Cane Sugar, in place of refined white sugar)
- Pectin
- Water
- Lemon Juice
- Bowls
- Measuring Cup
- Strainer
- Canning Jars and Lids
- Canning Funnel
- Ladle
- Spatula
First things first, you'll need to collect your flowers. This is always a GREAT job to enlist the help of your kiddos! Just be sure to gather your flowers from an area that is not near the side of a road (those are often sprayed with chemicals). If gathering from a friend or neighbors yard, be sure to check that they haven't sprayed anything like round up or other chemical sprays. Avoiding areas you know to be commonly used by pets, as their bathroom, is a good idea as well.
You will need 2 cups, lightly packed, of the yellow flower heads, so be sure to gather a nice sized bowl's worth. Once you have them gathered, it's time to separate the flowers from the green. Some people will cut them, but I have found that pulling them apart works best for me. The green will leave a bitter taste, so you don't want much to get in with your flowers.
Once you've measured out your 2 cups of petals, it's time to make some dandelion tea! Yes, you read that correctly, tea. You will need to steep your flower petals to make tea, that will then become your jelly.
To make your tea you will pour 4 cups of boiling water over your flower petals, let it sit until it cools (20-30 minutes or so), then cover and place into the fridge for 24 hours. You can do this in a bowl or in a half gallon mason jar, which is my preference. Once your tea is done steeping you'll need to strain it well, squeezing out as much liquid as you possibly can.
At this point you will likely notice a bit of a "grass-ish" smell to your tea...this is perfectly fine! You have not messed up and I promise it will not taste like grass when you're done.
You should end up with approximately 3 1/2 cups of liquid, which you will then pour into a large pot. You'll then add 2 tbsp of lemon juice (fresh is preferred, but not necessary) and 1 pouch of powdered pectin. Bring this to a boil then add 4 cups of sugar. Stir your sugar in well and return your liquid to a boil. Boil jelly for 1 to 2 minutes, while continually stirring, then remove from heat.
Pour your jelly into hot canning jars, leaving 1/4 inch of headspace, then run a spatula around the inside edge to remove any air bubbles. Wipe jar edges clean and dry, then place lids and rings on finger tight. Place jars in a water bath canner and process for 10 minutes, or according to your altitude. Carefully remove jars from canner and place on a drying mat or towel. Allow them to sit for 24 hours undisturbed. If any jars haven't sealed by this point, they need to be placed in the fridge and used first or reprocessed.